Cryptocurrencies Conquer the Space

Cryptocurrencies are gradually taking leading positions on the global scene becoming an everyday option not only for financial, governmental, educational and healthcare institutions but also for regular folks. Without any doubt, everyone has already heard that blockchain technologies are getting more and more popular all round the world.
In April 2018, NASA announced their decision on developing an Ethereum-based technology to improve Space communication and navigation. It is evident that blockchain technology will best ensure success in achieving the goal. It’s believed, “smart contracts” technology will be used for building a spacecraft that could boast of artificial intelligence of the next level. The mega device will be capable to detect and dodge floating debris automatically.
Jin Wei Kocsis, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Arkon, Ohio, won $330,000 NASA grant for further research work.
The scientist believes that blockchain technology will enable quick and smooth sending and receiving data between the Space and our planet.
The project launching contributes greatly to the further development of blockchain technology. The use of decentralized solutions serves as an additional proof of its great importance for future humankind development.